Sunday, January 24, 2010

Rain Fall

Finally got done with this movie about a 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 American Vietnam vet who's a hitman. his specialty is making murders look like targets have died of natural causes. I found it a little bleh. At first, the movie didn't make much sense to me but as it went along I got the jist of it. I'm going to have to watch it again sometime.

This movie gets 2 3/4 KS. The thing that saved it from a 2 is the fact that it's got parts in Japanese and parts in English. I like this idea. I'm sure it's not a new idea but I've watched enough foreign movies and it's usually almost always in a foreign language. MAYBE a character utters a word or two in English but not much more. Gary Oldman was in this one. While I know the name, I swear I wouldn't recognize his face. Even now, if you showed me a picture of him after having watched this movie, I still wouldn't know him from a random guy off the street.

I'm going to start watching "Bloody Monday". There are 11 episodes to this drama. I'll do my best to summarize this drama. I still have to go back and do the rest of "101st Marriage Proposal" too.

My next movie, to be viewed in the middle of watching "Bloody Monday", will be "Gigolo Wannabe".

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