Saturday, December 28, 2013

Ojakgyo Brothers

While I was on Google+ yesterday I saw a post from a K-drama lover who was looking for a way to watch "Ojakgyo Brothers" (also known as "Ojakgyo Family") on her iPhone.  She was saying she watches at night when she walks her treadmill because if she watches on her laptop, it's too bright and it bothers her husband.  As I tried to Google app info for her, I realized Joo Won ("Baking King: Kim Tak Gu" and "Good Doctor") is in it as is Uee ("Barefoot Friends").  I loved Joo Won in both dramas I saw him in especially "Good Doctor" because he was so good in it.

I've added "Ojakgyo Brothers" to my list of K-dramas to watch!

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