Saturday, December 23, 2023

Death's Game - 이재, 곧 죽습니다 - Episode 1 DEATH

I love Seo In-guk.  I think he's hot and he's also a really good actor.  Even so, I did start to watch one of his dramas that I really didn't like much.  I don't think I ever made it past the first episode but I did not abandon it for good.  I plan to go back again.

So, when this drama starts, Seo In-guk is Choi Yee-Jae and you see him get shot in the head.  From there the story goes back to when he was still in school. He is on the phone with his girlfriend as he's on his way to a job interview.  After he gets off the phone with her, as he's walking to the interview, a man comes running by and kind of bumps into him as he runs out into the traffic and stands in front of a truck that strikes him and bounces him onto the sidewalk right in front of Yee-Jae.  He frantically runs over to the man.  The man grabs onto Yee Jae's arm and he dies.  Yee Jae is freaked out.  Next scene he is at the job interview and he is seated with 3 other candidates.  The scene starts off with one of the men calling Yee Jae's name and asks him to answer the question.  Yee Jae, who is still in shock, asks the man to please repeat the question and the man moves on to the next candidate.  Yee Jae fails to get the position.

Since that failure, he had a difficult time getting a job so he takes on part time work where he can so he can survive and pay off his student loan.  Seven years later, he gets the opportunity to apply for a position at the same company he failed at.  Things appear to go well but upon leaving, he gets a phone call from someone asking him if he had invested money with this guy because it seems he ended up losing all the money people had given him and he ran away.  Yee Jae loses his mind and goes to the guy's apartment and bangs on the door.  He flies into a rage and makes a scene at the complex and he gets reported to the police.  At the police station, the cop tells him there's nothing they can do about him losing his money.  He invested his money willingly believing he was going to make a profit but it ended up being a loss, under Korean law, there is nothing they can do about that.

Yee Jae believes his bad luck and shitty life goes back to when he saw that man die in front of him.  Being a failure, he decides to take his own life by jumping off a building.  Next scene, he's on an airplane but with a different face.  He freaks out and then notices a woman in sunglasses sitting across from him.  She introduces herself as Death.  She says he has sinned and he's going to be punished by dying 12 times.  His soul will enter the bodies of 12 people facing imminent death and he will end up dying regardless of which body he wakes up in.  She wants him to experience for himself how painful death can be.  If he manages to avoid the deaths that they face, he may carry on living.  If he avoids death in one of those bodies, he will live the rest of his life in that body.  Yee Jae says he doesn't want to live because life has been hell.  Death asks him if he thinks death is the end of it all.  It is only the beginning.

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