Sunday, December 17, 2023

Angel Flight - Episode 05 - NAMI VS A MOST DEVILISH WOMAN

 This episode starts out with Rinko on a bus. While on one hand she tells her mother her boss asked her to return the next day due to a job they have lined up, Nami scolds her for not having stayed with her mother.  Rinko tells her the surgery went well and her mother told her to go back to work.  While at the airport, the famous "Lily" arrives and the press hounds her.  She's a young woman, maybe in her late 30s?  I'm not really good guessing ages.  She arrives with a much much older man.  Back at the office, the team clues in Rinko on who Lily really is.  She married a much older man and days later her died.  She married another older man and he died in an accident.  They believe she more than likely killed them.  While discussing this, someone says the next deceased is about to arrive.  Someone asks from where and someone else says "Cuba".  They cut to Nami and Yuya tells her she should take a break and he'll handle it.  She tells him she's fine; he'll hurt his back.  This obviously has to with her missing fiancee.

Lily runs out of a hotel room and she runs down the hallway.  There's a flashback scene where she is strangling a man on the couch.  She runs away and goes dancing.  The team discusses what happened and it turns out he drowned in the tub.  The body was taken to the hospital and Lily is with him.  Since he's a big Moroccan VIP, Angel Hearse has been given the case.  It'll be funny if it turns out Lily is innocent and just has bad luck with men.  It's certainly looks like she's guilty but dramas have a great way of explaining things!

Nami and Rinko arrive at the hotel to go over things with Lily and she is one cold witch.  She's on the couch smoking not really caring.  Nami said she's come back to discuss the casket and Lily told her to figure it out.  Nami said she heard she didn't identify the body and Lily told her she saw him drowned in the tub, what else should she do?  Damn.  She is cold.  Seems guilty but... maybe she's not?

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