Saturday, January 28, 2023

Fill in the Blanks (Kuuhaku wo Mitashinasai) - Episode 03

 Tetsuo is invited to join the newly formed "Re-Lifer's Society".  On his way to the hotel (meeting place), he makes friend with another re-lifer and they talk about how they died.  The guy says he died by accidental drowning due to a rip current in the ocean.  Tetsuo tells him he died by accident when he fell off a building.

When they arrive to the hotel, they are met by protesters.  

Once seated, there are speakers that discuss why they have come back to life, the discrimination they face, and the hope that they can make the world a better place.

After the meeting, Tetsuo is alone in his room.  He takes in the beautiful ocean view and then someone slips a DVD under his door.  He picks it up and puts it in the DVD player, then sits down to watch it.

Mind blowing episode cliffhanger!

Watch episode 3 here: Fill in the Blanks Ep 03

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