Friday, January 03, 2014

Episode 13 ~ 예쁜남자/Yebbeun Namja/Pretty Man/Bel Ami

WHOA!!!  Episode 13 just blew me away!  I DID NOT see that coming!  Yes, it was probably easy for some people to figure out what was going on but I have to admit, that unless a story line is very obvious, I'm not going to use a lot of brain power to figure out what is coming next.  That being said...WOW...

I actually played out a few scenarios in my head in the episodes leading up to this one but I wasn't even close to where the story went in this episode.  I watched it last night but I'm still stunned!

Funny scene in this episode when Ma Te kicks David's car and sets off the alarm.  Unbeknownst to Ma Te, the car has a black box that will record what is going on outside via the back window.  The camera gets a shot of Ma Te running away.  I couldn't stop laughing at this.  I had to rewind it and watch it twice...hilarious!!

Lots of nice shots of Jang Keung-Suk (Ma Te) in this episode.


Kassandra said...

great pic thanks BM was a great drama

New York Jellybean said...

You're welcome Kassandra. Sorry for the VERY late reply. I keep forgetting to check for comments!